Recommended Articles – July 2015

Accellera Systems Initiative and IEEE Standards Association announced that UVM1.2 will be delivered as a contribution to the IEEE P1800.2™ standard. Check out Accellera’s press release for more details.

UVM is a methodology which creates opportunities. LearnUVMVerification, a new entry on our radar, takes this opportunity and prepares a series of lessons that explore UVM. You can find graphical explanations for the mechanisms within UVM, like driver and sequencer interaction, virtual interface and uvm_config_db, UVM configuration object, sequences and transactions and more.

Last but not least Stefan Birman shares his experience of teaching a Hardware Verification Summer Course to students of Department of Electronic Devices, Circuits and Architectures, within Politehnica University of Bucharest.

In AMIQ Resources page you can find the contents of AMIQ’s bookshelf, conference papers, various cheatsheets, recommended articles, and the blogs we periodically scan for recommended articles.


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