The default behavior of `uvm_error is to continue the simulation once the message is reported. Although one can argue over Accelera’s default choice, there are ways to stop the simulation on `uvm_error. I’ve tested them with UVM 1.1d and UVM 1.2 releases.
Using Simulator Arguments
Major simulators support the +uvm_set_action command-line argument to set a custom action for report messages:
For example, to stop the simulation on `uvm_error(“MY_ERROR”, “message”), use the following argument when invoking the simulator:
You can use _ALL_ instead of MY_ERROR to set the action for all errors, regardless of their id.
Using the uvm_component API
Call uvm_component.set_report_id_action_hier (string id,uvm_action action), for example after elaboration:
class basic_test extends uvm_test;
function void end_of_elaboration_phase(uvm_phase phase);
set_report_id_action_hier("MY_ERROR", UVM_STOP);
Pay Attention: objects vs. components vs. sequence items
To my surprise, the above configuration does not apply to `uvm_error calls from within an uvm_object, for example for config objects, even if created under the “uvm_test_top.*” or “basic_test” hierarchy…
For `uvm_error calls from within an uvm_sequence_item, the message is delegated to the enclosing sequencer, hence it is not behaving like an uvm_object. The component path is enhanced with the enclosing sequencer and the sequence hierarchy path.
My recommendation is to use a generous star path pattern (“*”) when working with simulator arguments:
or use the uvm_root component when working with the uvm_component API:
class basic_test extends uvm_test;
function void end_of_elaboration_phase(uvm_phase phase);
uvm_root top = uvm_root::get();
top.set_report_id_action_hier("MY_ERROR", UVM_STOP);
Underground Details for the Curious
The `uvm_error macro is defined as:
`define uvm_error(ID,MSG) \
begin \
if (uvm_report_enabled(UVM_NONE,UVM_ERROR,ID)) \
uvm_report_error (ID, MSG, UVM_NONE, `uvm_file, `uvm_line); \
That is the macro call is delegated to a uvm_report_error() function call. The function that is actually called depends on the context where the macro is used.
There are three relevant uvm_report_error() function definitions in the UVM library:
- uvm_report_object.uvm_report_error(). An uvm_component inherits from uvm_report_object.
- Global uvm_report_error() which delegates the call to uvm_root.uvm_report_error()
- uvm_sequence_item.uvm_report_error() which delegates the call to its sequencer, if it exists or to uvm_root.
2 Responses
Great post, Cristian!
This really highlights the inconsistent behavior of the reporting mechanism w.r.t. components and sequences. Care to put this into the UVM 1.2. public review thread (, maybe they will change it in the future?
P.S. Regarding UVM errors not stopping the simulation, the idea behind it is that in some cases you can very well go simulating even if you get an error in one part of the chip, because the ongoing simulation might potentially hit some unrelated errors in other parts. If you have very long simulations, you might want to squeeze as much nightly regression time as possible. I personally don’t use it like this (how do you decide which errors are unrelated), but some people might, so it’s good to have the configurability.
Hi Tudor,
From my point of view the reporting mechanism is ok the way it is now. Simply said: it tries to determine the component which generated that message. If it can’t figure this out, it will use the only accessible reporter: uvm_root.
What I would like to change in UVM 1.2 is the behavior at UVM error. From my experience there are more engineers which prefer to stop the simulation at the first encountered error just like you and me. So this should be reflected in the default behavior of the UVM package.